
A Piece Of Raw Ginger (II)

Continued from: A Piece of Raw Ginger (I) The storm of her grief shook us both as she clung to me, sobbing. I held her, feeling at once stoic and sympathetic. Grief like that just makes you take a deep breath. You know it needs to be dealt with, one way or another. I held […]

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A Piece Of Raw Ginger (I)

It was still dark. The sun wasn’t out yet, though it was already past six in the morning. And it was cold; a chilly cold that turns your breath foggy and makes your eyes water sharply. I got off the train gingerly, a tad anxious. I had to take a connecting train four hours later. […]

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Another Lost Battle

Robin Williams passed away yesterday. May he rest in peace! When I learned of it this morning, I was shocked- like millions all over the world. I googled frantically for details. What I learned shocked me even more. I found that Mr. Williams’s high energy at times masked a personal struggle with alcohol and drug […]

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A Sense of Well-Being

You long for a sense of well-being. Who doesn’t? You long to reach a state of peace and contentment in which God is in His heaven and all is right with the world. A quest for that state is fairly common. It is so closely associated with a state of happiness that it is all […]

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Passion Room (Fini)

Continued fromPassion Room (One), (Two) and (Three) I chafed against all the conditions the Guild had imposed. At first I was annoyed about the three item limit. Next I grumbled against the ‘once in, always in’ rule. But for this rule, I could have brought in a book, a notebook and a pen every day […]

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Passion Room (Three)

Continued from Passion Room (One) And (Two) In fact, this wasn’t my bathroom at all! In shocked confusion, I looked around the room. The room was easily three times the chicken pen I lived in. It was empty but for a table and two chairs standing in the right corner. Blinking in confusion, I stepped […]

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Passion Room (Two)

Continued from Passion Room (One)… Four months ago I had landed in this dusty, crowded little town of Rajasthan. I had chosen the coaching institute online. Admission formalities were completed via e-mail and electronic money transfer.  The institute had promised me assistance in finding accommodation. Coaching is the biggest business in this town. The citizenry […]

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