
Apropos To Your Question

Dear Mrs A.,  Hello! How have you been? Good I hope? I suppose you are surprised to receive my letter today. I mean, who writes letters nowadays? I could as easily have picked up the phone to talk to you instead. Communication was never as easy (AND affordable) as it is now. But I didn’t […]

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I don’t believe in religion. There! I said it! I was in ninth grade. There was a moral science class going on. Our regular teacher was absent hence our vice- principal Sr M was conducting the class. It was a combined class with three sections squeezed together. Imagine eighty+ fifteen year old girls packed together […]

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Facebook Rules Ver 1.0

You thought you were getting it all free, didn’t you? That you’d get to do your own thing, your own way? Have loads of fun? Break a few hearts, put a few aristocratic noses out of joint in a merry free for all? Ha. As your poor mother tried to din into your thick skull […]

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