
Parenting: Building Up Your Child

“Come on Anuj! Come on, buck up! Faster, faster, FASTER!” The woman leaning over the railings yelled hoarsely in a passion of parenting frenzy! The venue was crowded. A brown cloud of dust hovered over the tents under which parents sweated it out while their progeny sweated it out on the field. Tanvi glanced at the vociferous, […]

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That Chilly Winter Night

I remember how cold it was that night. I had taken them out for dinner; she and her mother. I’d just landed my dream job and I wanted to celebrate with her. Her mother invited herself, as I had (wrathfully) expected. To keep things her mother under control, I brought my brother along. The mother […]

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Let Us Play!

I realized something as I began writing this. I can no longer call him a newbie. As they are eager to point out, chronology is just a number anyway. By all other criteria, he is a veteran. I met Sid Balachandran a few months ago, on a mutual friend’s Facebook wall. Yes child, that’s where […]

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Remembering Enid Blyton: Lemonade and Ginger Beer

With deep delight and honor, I present a guest most of you are too familiar with to need introduction. Alka Gurha looks upon the world through a pair of enchanted, mirth-tinted spectacles before she takes up her pen to describe it for all us, lesser humans. Her pen creates a magical alchemy through which crooked […]

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