

  You are an eternal being on earth for a human experience. The eternal, indestructible you (your soul) is the real you. That is your permanent state. Your human role is temporary and transient. It will come and go again and again. With each iteration (pardon the programming jargon, no other word expresses repetitive cyclic […]

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Step Out With A-Z

Come April, bloggers of all shapes, sizes and genres go bananas. They voluntarily- and sans remunerative compensation- enroll themselves to a grueling annual blogging ritual. All through the month of April they commit to writing a post a day on all days except Sundays. The remaining twenty six days are devoted to the twenty six […]

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Sunday Brunch #8

Hola people! Here we are again, what? I felt very uneasy last week when I couldn’t post the Sunday Brunch. It was as if I hadn’t lived that week at all (Okay, I’m exaggerating a bit). Then I thought, let that be so. This year, therefore, my year will have only 51 weeks. That’s not […]

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Song Of Luminescence

I am a little uptight. The lady I want to introduce to you today is so precious that I am afraid to choose the words which will form the strokes of my brush as I define her, lest they fall short. Yet, I know they will fall short. What words can contain this woman? Sridevi […]

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Sunday Brunch (#6)

Happy Sunday to you! I don’t know your relationship with Sundays. Are they days when you don’t go to work and so have a different, more leisurely routine? Is it made special because of the time you get to spend with your family and friends? Or is it precious because this is YOUR day; a […]

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How Do You Define Yourself

The first time I saw Janaki Nagraj’s profile photo on Facebook, I saw a woman with gentle, doe- eyes. A beautiful shy smile, eyes looking at a vision of her own and a countenance that bespoke a calm, restful disposition. Chiding myself for my fanciful assumptions, I decided to wait for a bit before I […]

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Sunday Brunch (#5)

The past week has largely been an offline week for me; very little writing and almost no reading. I did read a couple of very significant posts which I am happy to share with you. Dish #1: I discovered Andrea Maurer through a weird series of disconnected events. Once the sequence had played itself out, […]

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It Could Have Been Me

I had been married three years on that sultry June afternoon. Delhi and I had come to the conclusion that we couldn’t get along. We parted ways with equal determination on both sides. We still cordially loath each other, which is very fine with me. I relocated to my hometown while my ex was still […]

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Do Without Doing

The results you are getting in your life are directly in proportion to the effort you apply. The thought demonstrates the law of cause and effect; it is vouchsafed by the third law of motion. This is what you and I have always believed. Results are produced by action. Action is defined as a doing […]

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