Continued from Dawn: The Charioteer (III) She emerged from the kitchen bearing two vases jammed full of flowers. In the middle of the hall locking the front door behind him, stood Chetan. If you were standing at the now closed front door, this is what you would have seen: – Woman almost hidden behind two […]
Year: 2011
Dawn: The Charioteer (III)
Continued from Dawn: The Charioteer (II) The girl clambered in through the window carrying a bunch of pristine white daisies and scarlet poppies. With her brightly colored kurta over the I-Live-In-‘Em pair of jeans and an untroubled face, she looked like a little kid. Her waist length hair was still dripping from her shower and […]
Dawn: The Charioteer (II)
Continued from Dawn: The Charioteer (I) Chetan spent the next ten days directing an interior decorator who was to re-model and re-furbish my interiors. As I saw the detailed instructions he gave to the decorator, the painstaking attention to details, I knew my instincts about him were right. He planned meticulously and his taste was […]
Dawn: The Charioteer (I)
My name is Anuru. In Sanskrit it means Dawn. Dawn is the charioteer of the Sun, the nurturer of life. I like to imagine that I bring life light and love into the lives of people- specially those who live in me. Live? Yes live. You see, I am a house. Please don’t tell me […]
The Gift
Deep in the wilderness of an African village, there lived a missionary. He was a loving man and his piety never came in the way of his love for his little flock. Unlike other more zealous men of God, this man’s primary- and sole- focus, was in giving service, not in collecting souls. Naturally, the […]
Your Song
When a woman in a certain African tribe knows she is pregnant, she goes out into the wilderness with a few friends and together the pray and chant and meditate until they hear the song of the unborn child. They recognize that every soul has its own vibration that expresses its unique flavor and purpose. […]
He is a powerful man, they say. They say it like ‘he’ has tapped into an obscure, secret generator of the universe, forever denied to the rest of humanity. Statements of this kind annoy me. They make me want to take them apart to see what lies behind them and what makes […]
Poised: Hang on World
A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child’s work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, ‘I’m drawing God.’ The teacher paused and said, ‘But no […]
White Noise

White noise. A silence which is total, yet not empty. The man frowned, concentrating hard, unable to read on. He put the book down in his lap and stared into space, brow furrowed in a triangular shape. What did it mean, ‘not empty’? How could an expression like that apply to a thing like silence? […]
Bar Coded
Who am I…? What do you mean..? You know who I am..! What are you playing at? The same question, again? Who am I? You KNOW who I am, Don’t you know my name? You want me to tell you Who I am once again, But don’t want my name? But… […]