He is coming home after fifteen years! They told me he was coming. A million times since then, I have repeated the sentence to myself. I have said it flatly and whispered it to myself with breathless excitement. I have tempered it with every different shade of emotion there is in the universe. I […]
Month: January 2013
A Simple Rope Swing
There was a rope swing on a tree. And there was a child. The swing was a pretty rudimentary affair- just like the simpler times which forms the story’s backdrop. Two parallel loops of ordinary, thick, jute rope tied on a thick limb of the tree. A rough wooden plank jammed between the loops, bridging […]
Why Did You Fail?
Minister for Exams ~ Brian Patten When I was a child I sat an exam. This test was so simple There was no way i could fail. Q1. Describe the taste of the Moon. It tastes like Creation I wrote, it has the flavour of starlight. Q2. What colour is Love? Love […]
All Sevens
The 7x7x7x7 Writing Prompt : Grab the 7th book from your bookshelf. Open it up to page 7. Pinpoint the 7th sentence on the page. Begin a poem that begins with that sentence and limit it in length to 7 lines. The seventh book on my bookshelf happened to be Conversations With God […]
Betrayal (V- Conclusion)
Continued from Betrayal (IV) Vasudha’s reply to Chandini’s last mail was a lot more positive in tone than all her previous mails. She seemed to have realized that a blow might have knocked her to her knees, but to stay there was an act of choice. She had bridged the fine gap between considering ‘on […]
Betrayal (IV)
Continued from Betrayal (III) It had barely been a few hours since Chandni had written her last mail to Vasudha. She had a sense of waiting. Somehow, she was sure Vasudha would reply. She waited online, mucking around listlessly, unable to call it a night and go to bed. She left the machine running and […]
Betrayal (III)
Continued from Betrayal (II) Chandini kept thinking about Vasudha all day. She was impatient to finish up at work and write another mail to her. Vasudha’s reply to her last mail was fresh in her mind. Chandni had detected the beginning of a all or none panic in her. It seemed she was determined to […]
Betrayal (II)
Continued from Betrayal (I) Chandini powered up her laptop, murmured a short prayer and began pouring her soul out on the cold glass of her screen. My dear Vasudha, I read your mail. You know my love and regard for you well enough to know what the knowledge of your pain is doing to me. […]
Betrayal (I)
Chandini logged out of her email account and closed all open windows on her laptop. She stared fixedly at the desktop wallpaper that she must have seen a million times before. It was as if she was seeing it for the first time. There was nothing extraordinary about the picture. It was a landscape showing […]
My Phrase for 2013
As the last few moments of this year are about to tick away into the silence of the irretrievable past, I remember that I have a date with myself tonight. For the next twelve months, my guiding principle will be- Earn It..! I am putting at stop to unearned rewards. Sometimes I have been […]