A happy farewell to the year that was… with gratitude and deep thankfulness!
Year: 2015
An Inviolate Self-Confidence
Lack of inner certainly fosters imbalance and instability. With a constantly shifting core, your perceptions become random and inconsistent- and that upsets you further.
There is just a still silence within you. An untamed, tumultuous mountain river arrested abruptly in mid-flight.
Political Correctness
Ms Rand called it moral neutrality in 1962, we call it Political Correctness in 2015.
Giving Up
Other people struggle NOT to give up. Your fight begins at the other end of the spectrum.
You don’t know how to give up.
First Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Rugs Of Life… !
Your Integrity is your loyalty and commitment to truth. It is a statement of your respect for yourself. You are honest because you respect yourself too much to be not.
Thank you Teacher(s)!
Thank you for taking the turns you took, Life. You never let me get complacent; you never let me get stagnant.
Law Of Averages
Of brats, train tickets and the Law Of Averages!
The most descriptive definition of mediocrity i found was “the state of being half way up the mountain… permanently”.
That’s ‘Lukewarm’ all over.