This post evolved out of a post-length comment I inflicted on a beautiful, loving lady that almost all of us have read- and agreed with. Her thoughts are so balanced and full of wisdom; her perspective so inclusive and broad; her heart so compassionate and genuine…. that it is easy to love her. I speak […]
Year: 2015
The Brothers
A man zoomed noisily into a narrow street in a rundown neighborhood. He was driving a brand new Porsche car, all shiny black and chrome. Its beautiful new alloy wheels glinted like silver. Its sleek contours spoke volumes about its performance on the road. Its engine purred mutely, holding all the horses under the hood […]

It was a balmy late afternoon. The sky was a glowing, washed-out blue. White balls of cotton bobbed about merrily on that sea of blue-ness. Some had coagulated greyly, ponderous with moisture. It had rained all morning. Steam rose in warm wafts from humid earth under my feet. Somewhere, far off, it was raining again, […]
The dawn air was fragrant with eucalyptus today. There were myriad other fragrances in the air also; some too subtle to identify. You will probably find it very strange of me, but to me sunrise has a very distinct fragrance in each season. Maybe it is a mixture of the aromas of the flora of […]
Doing For The Love of Doing
Undeveloped men are highly motivated to act by their matter-inclined impulses and longing for name, fame, prosperity, and sensory happiness. The wise, on the other hand, have detached themselves from worldly pleasures; their incentive is the joy they find in working for God. Incidentally and yet purposefully, the inspiring examples of such men bring others […]
Sunday Morning: In Pictures
Every man is thrown, as it were, into a boisterous river of the activities of Nature. If he does not swim, if he tries to remain neutral, he will disappear from a world whose keynote is “Struggle!” The universal flux does not accommodate a stationary man. He who does not move forward with wisdom and […]
Daughters and Sons
The hot topic yesterday was India’s Daughter. This post is my two cents. Not on the documentary but on the atmosphere the documentary created. I am sure I don’t need to reiterate my revulsion of the rape and inhuman murder of Nirbhaya. I have a daughter who is barely two years younger to Nirbhaya… and […]
Mushrooms Will Save The Earth?
What’s the use of a fine house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on? ~ Henry David Thoreau Mycologist Paul Stamets lists 6 ways the mycelium fungus can help save the universe: cleaning polluted soil, making insecticides, treating smallpox and even flu. He seeks to rescue the study of mushrooms from […]
Mother Earth
The Earth has been called Mother. She is the symbol of patience, endurance and unlimited giving. She provides a static platform for the dynamic dance of life. She remains stoic and unmoving as life moves over her skin, now slithering, now galloping, now walking with a firm, deliberate step. She breathes; her breath misty and […]
Public Love
Actually, this post ought to be called Facebook Love. I didn’t use it because it might have been a little confusing. You might innocently have thought I was referring to the free, spontaneous meet your soul-mate service that Facebook doesn’t know it runs. As far as possible, one doesn’t want to confuse or confound people […]