Part 7 of an ongoing series of thoughts triggered (and inspired) by Brene Brown’s book, Daring Greatly.
Month: January 2016
Daring Greatly: Real
Part 6 of the continuing series on Brene Brown’s insightful book- Daring Greatly.
Daring Greatly: Gender Bias
An on-going series on Brene Brown’s book- Daring Greatly. Do read.
Daring Greatly: Empathy
Part four of a continuing series on Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly.
Daring Greatly: Gremlins
Part III of a read-along series on Brene Brown’s bestselling book ‘Daring Greatly’.
Daring Greatly: Disengagement
A series in which I share some thoughts triggered by Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly.
Daring Greatly: Unlearn
Join me as I share some thoughts triggered by Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly.
My Phrase for 2016
An interim North Star, the phrase which will guide my compass in 2016.