Identity: The things that make you, YOU! You know already that you are a One-Of-A-Kind rarity. There never was anyone Identical to you, and there never will be. What goes into creating the uniqueness that you call your Identity and what makes it so wonderfully precious? Your circumstances, talents and disposition are unlike that of any other person on earth. […]
Year: 2018
Trees Are Poems
Trees are poems. There is nothing as beautiful as a tree against the backdrop of a sunny, intensely blue sky. Its leaves seem dipped in glittering, volatile mercury; their edges brushed with liquid gold. The green in them seems full to the brim with irrepressible joie de vivre. They rustle joyfully in the lightest breeze […]
Garden Chronicles: Fragrant Night Jasmine
We moved into our current home nearly fifteen years ago. Fifteen years! That’s a major chunk of time, especially for my children. My son was just two years old then. Now he is a strapping lad of seventeen! That’s almost a lifetime! Two years after we moved in, or maybe a year later, we planted […]
Life Review: Life In The After-Life
In his book Reality Unveiled, Zaid Masri describes the Life Review process one goes through before being reincarnated. Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. ~ Rumi Masri presents evidence to establish that souls do reincarnate. In the fourth chapter, called The Path of the Soul, he writes about the process the soul undergoes before being born again. I quote, In […]
Five Drops of Contemplation
Contemplation is a tool to affect inner re-engineering. At times you want ideas to be simplified, stripped down to their essentials. For the condensed, concentrated drops of thought to fall into the still pool of your consciousness, merge with the fluidity there and subtly and delicately change your inner landscape. Mull over them, disagree with them, engage […]
Subtle Art of Not Taking Things Personally
“PFA invoice template. Update and send to process payment.” Thus went the terse email I received from the accounts department of a client. The sender of the mail was a lady I had never interacted with. The attached document was a simple word file template with blank spaces where my own details of the job […]
Book Review: If You Only Knew Me ~ Divyata Rajaram
If You Only Knew Me by Divyata Rajaram is a multi-layered story. It is a story about five expat women living in Dubai. Their lives are glamorous, living as they do at the higher echelons of Dubai’s Indian society. The women are friends, even good friends. Despite their apparent friendship though, there are threads of […]
Questions To Ask Yourself
Questions can help you change the direction of your thoughts. In a conversation between two people, the person who asks the questions- and is willing to listen- is the person who controls the conversation. Questions are the negotiator’s most effective tool. To ask the right question and sit back to let the other person talk, […]
Book Review: Small is Big- by Rafaa Dalvi
Small is Big- by Rafaa Dalvi Brevity is the soul of wit, said Shakespeare; it is the sister of talent, said Chekhov. Writing flash fiction is challenging as well as deeply satisfying. I have loved all varieties of micro-fiction- as a reader as well as a writer. Micro-tales compel you to stay focused on your […]
Book Review: Pretty Vile Girl by Rickie Khosla
Pretty Vile Girl: The protagonist you will hate to love! When you have racy plot and myriad, twisted sub-plots married to a series of brutal murders, committed with ice-cold nerve made all the more chilling by a kind of detached, almost meditative casualness, you get a Pretty Vile Girl! The theme of this novel is revenge- […]