
My Friend Mani

I really don’t want to talk about Mani. But I must talk about him. I feel compelled to tell the story- and to tell it truthfully. It makes me look bad but that can’t be helped. I need to tell you what happened to my friend Mani; for the sake of everyone associated with the […]

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Passion Room (Fini)

Continued fromPassion Room (One), (Two) and (Three) I chafed against all the conditions the Guild had imposed. At first I was annoyed about the three item limit. Next I grumbled against the ‘once in, always in’ rule. But for this rule, I could have brought in a book, a notebook and a pen every day […]

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Passion Room (Three)

Continued from Passion Room (One) And (Two) In fact, this wasn’t my bathroom at all! In shocked confusion, I looked around the room. The room was easily three times the chicken pen I lived in. It was empty but for a table and two chairs standing in the right corner. Blinking in confusion, I stepped […]

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Passion Room (One)

It was war! The air was thick with dust and the acrid, metallic stink of gun- powder. The heat was scalding and steamy. Sounds of heavy artillery drowned out hoarse voice shouting orders; orders which carried an edge of horrified terror. My heart pounded uncomfortably in my chest; the lance of panic held me impaled. […]

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Naina was livid! She was extra careful about shutting the door quietly behind her as she came out of her boss’ cabin. She was afraid she might bang the door hard enough to splinter it to pieces. “Of all the aggravating people!” she fumed to herself with a clenched jaw and smouldering eyes. What on […]

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Mesmerizing Eyes (II)

Continued From Mesmerizing Eyes (I)   He began noticing other things about her. She had two saris; nondescript and dull hued but always spotlessly clean. Her midnight black hair was tied in a thick plait which hung below her waist. Apart from a pinkly twinkling nose pin, she wore no other jewelry. A thick black […]

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Mesmerizing Eyes (I)

Praful banged the door shut violently. The frame trembled, the glass in the window next to the door shivered with a tinkle of alarm. Unheeding, he ran down the steps and did not stop until he reached the bus stop. He did not want to go anywhere. His was using the bus stop as a […]

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In Order To Live

“Don’t you hate her, the underhand, deceitful back- stabber!” “Don’t talk of her that way! No, I don’t hate her. Why should I?” “Do I have to tell you why?! !!” “Why are you so livid with her?” “I just don’t understand you! How can you take it so lightly?!” “I can take it lightly […]

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Woe Be Unto Me! (Three 55 Fictions)

The spelling of soap is s-o-a-p not s-o-p-e. So watt? The spelling is wrong! Who cares? Yoeu still understod, didn’t youe? Why can’t you bother to remember the correct spelling of words?! You aren’t even dyslexic! Watt can a few alphabets here or three mater? Oh, really?! Yes.  Stp being such a grammar nazi! ***      […]

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