
Cindered Dreams (V)

  [Continued from Cindered Dreams (IV)]     Part Five:   During that night, she told me that when the worst of her misfortune broke upon her unprepared head, she found solace and succor from an unexpected source. In her neighborhood, there lived a retired primary school teacher. All the neighborhood children gathered around her […]

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Cindered Dreams

Part One: Suman sighed happily. The view from her window was neither outstanding nor breathtaking. It was common place yet immensely soothing. She could see a waste tract of land, every millimeter covered with green things poking exuberantly through, joyously asserting their presence. There was a eucalyptus, a couple of ornery old neems and a […]

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Green- 55 Fiction

GREEN They flocked around him like a bunch of cackling hens. In two days, my handsome good looks had paled into insignificance next to his passionately brooding maleness. The girls went to him like bees to a pot of honey. The pansy…!!! Sensuously, pleasurably, longingly, fingers crushed the luxuriant blossom, purple juice seeping into the […]

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Trimming The Roses

Medini paced pensively in her garden. She had her cell-phone earplugs jammed in her ears while her thinking music looped over and over. Head bowed she paced, now her steps rapid, now slow. Her feet kept in faultless sync with the movement and intensity of thoughts that tumbled over themselves in her head. It was […]

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No Frog Soup

I no longer know how to address you, so am leaving it blank, although this is a letter. By the time you receive this, I will have left the country. Where I am going is not relevant- not any more. No matter where I go though, you’ll go with me. And I’ll stay with you… […]

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A Touch of the Sun

The Earth was cloyingly cold and eerie. She looked as if she was gasping out her last few breaths. The very landscape heaved… full of a emotion it can neither hold nor yet give up. She was like a pregnant woman in full term… exhausted… wanting desperately to be delivered of her child. She was waiting […]

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