I began my career in frontline sales. After almost fifteen years of selling a diverse range of products, I realized that the sales techniques I need to use are the same, no matter what the product. The thought held me in its grip and took hold of my imagination. I began talking to other sales […]
Short Stories
Wishing Tree
Yawn..! Oh dear! What a silly, dull day…! Hey you..! Listen, I feel like talking today. I don’t need you to talk, just listen. If you can, try to look intelligent as if you understand. It isn’t mandatory, however. I wish he’d go, this poor excuse of a human being groveling at my feet. […]
Phase Three: Sunset
I am sure the two of us must seem like two buddies enjoying the sunset. You couldn’t be farther out. We are brothers not buddies. The other is equally inaccurate. I have a compelling affinity for this place. It presents a spectacle which is rare and beautiful. Yet, I don’t come here for the […]
Phase Two: Midday
A chance encounter can change your life. My life is a testimonial to that statement. Over ten years ago, another chance meeting with a stranger on a perfectly ordinary Saturday night had given me an experience to last a life-time, and changed the channel into which my life was to flow. My favorite […]
Phase One: Dawn
Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man’s nature and of life’s potential. ~Ayn Rand I don’t remember the precise moment when The Decision became a living entity amongst us. It came home with us that night and none of us questioned its right to intrude upon […]
White Noise
White noise. A silence which is total, yet not empty. The man frowned, concentrating hard, unable to read on. He put the book down in his lap and stared into space, brow furrowed in a triangular shape. What did it mean, ‘not empty’? How could an expression like that apply to a thing like silence? […]
A Monsoon Afternoon
The woman stood alone watching the waterfall raptly. She wrapper her arms around her body and shivered delicately. The spray from the waterfall wafted over her in a thin mist, enveloping her intimately. She ran her palms over her arms, rubbing away the goose bumps. A fresh waft and another set of goose bumps began […]
Green- 55 Fiction
GREEN They flocked around him like a bunch of cackling hens. In two days, my handsome good looks had paled into insignificance next to his passionately brooding maleness. The girls went to him like bees to a pot of honey. The pansy…!!! Sensuously, pleasurably, longingly, fingers crushed the luxuriant blossom, purple juice seeping into the […]
Trimming The Roses
Medini paced pensively in her garden. She had her cell-phone earplugs jammed in her ears while her thinking music looped over and over. Head bowed she paced, now her steps rapid, now slow. Her feet kept in faultless sync with the movement and intensity of thoughts that tumbled over themselves in her head. It was […]
No Frog Soup
I no longer know how to address you, so am leaving it blank, although this is a letter. By the time you receive this, I will have left the country. Where I am going is not relevant- not any more. No matter where I go though, you’ll go with me. And I’ll stay with you… […]