A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child’s work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, ‘I’m drawing God.’ The teacher paused and said, ‘But no […]
Bar Coded
Who am I…? What do you mean..? You know who I am..! What are you playing at? The same question, again? Who am I? You KNOW who I am, Don’t you know my name? You want me to tell you Who I am once again, But don’t want my name? But… […]
Sleeping Giant (III)
[Continued from Sleeping Giant (I) and Sleeping Giant (II)] Through the ages, people over the world have recognized and used my power. People have learned to silence the conscious mind (Noisy Little Brother- NLB) and to let me, the subconscious mind, take the reins. They have allowed the true master rule over one who was […]
Sleeping Giant (II)
Continued from Sleeping Giant (I) Perhaps you are you are ready to learn how to awaken the giant who slumbers within you. But then again, perhaps you are looking for more proof. Proof that the power I say I have, I really have. Proof that other people have learned how to harness my power and […]
Sleeping Giant (I)
Hey there..! Did I startle you..? I am sorry, I guess I must have. I am not sorry I came knocking though. I needed to talk to you, its about time. Do I sound a mite peeved? Hmm… I suppose I must. Not that I will apologize for it. You are not in the position […]
Square Pegs
Once upon a time there was a square peg. He didn’t become square, he was born square. Something like having smoke blue eyes, six toes in your right foot or chestnut colored hair. It is a given, right..? The blue eyed one didn’t go shopping and say, “Oh, I like this shade of blue. I’ll […]
A Survivor’s Manual
Wounds that drip blood are colorful. Their bloodless counterparts, though more painful, are boring. They have no drama value. I am talking of the wounds we suffer inside. The bruises of the mind, the lacerations of the heart and the battering of the soul. The wounds on our non-physical persona are invisible. They throb with […]
Fenced in
Fences are for protection. They help you hold precious things in a safe enclosure. There is a lot to be said about fences. They help you to chalk out territory and instill a feeling of safety and protection in you. It helps define a framework and gives a feeling of freedom within the boundary. The […]