
A Piece Of Raw Ginger (II)

Continued from: A Piece of Raw Ginger (I) The storm of her grief shook us both as she clung to me, sobbing. I held her, feeling at once stoic and sympathetic. Grief like that just makes you take a deep breath. You know it needs to be dealt with, one way or another. I held […]

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A Piece Of Raw Ginger (I)

It was still dark. The sun wasn’t out yet, though it was already past six in the morning. And it was cold; a chilly cold that turns your breath foggy and makes your eyes water sharply. I got off the train gingerly, a tad anxious. I had to take a connecting train four hours later. […]

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Wholesomeness Of Spirit

Winning through adverse circumstances and challenges is inspiring for all those who bear witness to the victory. But when you win through with your humility untainted by bitterness; resilience unsullied by a betrayed sense of entitlement, you demonstrate a Wholesomeness of Spirit which inspires reverence!

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Passion Room (Two)

Continued from Passion Room (One)… Four months ago I had landed in this dusty, crowded little town of Rajasthan. I had chosen the coaching institute online. Admission formalities were completed via e-mail and electronic money transfer.  The institute had promised me assistance in finding accommodation. Coaching is the biggest business in this town. The citizenry […]

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I remember Shalini as if it was yesterday. I was in my first job, a systems trainer. She was my student, the kind who asks endless questions. I remember the looks of exasperation on the faces of the other students each time Shalini shot to her feet. Not that she noticed, or could have given […]

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You can CAN!

  You must have heard this adage many times: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. It is a jarringly cliched adage, one I personally find annoyingly pompous. Yeah right, I say to myself! It is very easy to preach it when everything is going well. When life actually hands you a lemon, you are […]

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There is more than limitlessness to the word Unbounded. There is a freedom associated with the word, boisterous and exhilarating. It doesn’t speak of an absence of shackles; the feeling is not of fences being knocked down. The feeling is of a state where there never were boundaries; where there could never have been limits. […]

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