An on-going series on Brene Brown’s book- Daring Greatly. Do read.
Life Skills
Daring Greatly: Empathy
Part four of a continuing series on Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly.
My Phrase for 2016
An interim North Star, the phrase which will guide my compass in 2016.
First Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Rugs Of Life… !
Your Integrity is your loyalty and commitment to truth. It is a statement of your respect for yourself. You are honest because you respect yourself too much to be not.
The most descriptive definition of mediocrity i found was “the state of being half way up the mountain… permanently”.
That’s ‘Lukewarm’ all over.
She: I’m fed up! There’s no balance in my life! Everything seems to be spinning out of control. It is making me edgy and peeved; I don’t like me like that! The more I am trying to create balance, the more things are falling apart. I don’t know what to do! He: What happened? You […]
Standing On The Inside
This post evolved out of a post-length comment I inflicted on a beautiful, loving lady that almost all of us have read- and agreed with. Her thoughts are so balanced and full of wisdom; her perspective so inclusive and broad; her heart so compassionate and genuine…. that it is easy to love her. I speak […]
My Phrase For 2015

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
~ Maya Angelou
Farewell 2014

An account of gains and slips; victories and the not-quite, things accomplished and those yet-to-be-worked upon… A word of gratitude and a huge THANK YOU!