Happiness On Command

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHv6vTKD6lg&w=560&h=315] People let you down. They misunderstand, underestimate and hurt you with their low opinion. They ought to know you better, but don’t. They ought to see your capabilities but don’t. With their thoughtless words and insensitive reactions they show clearly that to them you are worth very little. Without intending to, they compel you […]

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Spaced out!

She had me at hello! Rachna, I mean. She had me at hello, lock stock and barrel. I’ve happily stayed ‘got’ ever since. She ‘gets’ me more and more with every post she writes and every comment of hers that I come across. There is no drama about her. If plain- speak ever wore shoes, […]

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Have You Ever Been Sad?

How would you answer that question? Would you say yes, plainly and clearly? Or would you mumble your assent uncomfortably? Or would you be stuck dumb unable to utter the yes you want to because you feel there is something wrong with you if you admit to being sad? Is it because you also feel that… […]

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A Few Right Synonyms

I asked Google for the meaning of the word right– in the sense of doing the right thing. This is what it brought up: Adjective: morally good, justified, or acceptable. Synonyms: just, fair, equitable, good, upright, righteous, virtuous, proper, moral, morally justified, ethical, honorable, honest, principled What a lot of synonyms, I thought. The word […]

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The Makers

A close friend shared this video a short while ago. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSVYvUHg4UA&w=560&h=315] The video triggered a few questions within me. I would like to leave them with you. (If I offend you, I apologize in advance. My words are driven by the pain of having to witness the untapped, unrealized and unseen potential of the hundreds […]

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Watch Out English!

Look, English, I am fond of you. No, seriously, I am. I would hate to have someone do the dirty on you. I don’t know if you’ve been keeping an ear to the ground as I have. If not, I think you ought to. Things are getting dangerously bad for you dude! No, you’re not […]

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Out of the Blue (Conclusion)

Continued from Out of the Blue (I) Today we began by talking of rain. With monsoon just round the corner, we were both behaving like giddy school kids on the verge of the two month summer holidays. The glee in our voice would have been obvious to anyone. Monsoon is very personal to both of […]

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Out of the Blue (I)

Anup called today after a long gap today. I don’t even remember how long it had been since we talked last. Our hellos barely over, the first thing I said to myself was, “He wants to talk for a long time today.” The sentence came out of the blue. It was triggered by nothing whatsoever, […]

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Bless You

Purba Ray is to the Indian blogging world what fragrance is to a wild rose. Each defining each, as it were. A few weeks ago this bong femme fatale prettily asked me if I would do a guest post for her. I don’t want to inundate you with similes but this was like a pretty […]

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