Empathy in Action

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrON4uh6T1k&w=420&h=315] I don’t know if this would work in India. Maybe it wouldn’t work with everybody. It could surely work with more people than one would think. For the funny thing is, despite all evidence to the contrary, Indians are honest more frequently than not. Unfortunately- and typically- the dishonest have center stage and are […]

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The word was first used in the book Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More. It refers to an imagined place or state of things where everything is perfect. When you are utopic, you are defining your highest vision of your life. You are describing the best that you think the world can be. You are […]

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Dear Do Gooder

I’m only saying this for your own good. I probably sound mean but I am only being cruel to be kind. If this how illogical you can get about it, you ought to give it up- even if it hurts. I am sure you hate me for saying all this, but someone has to knock […]

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Futurist- II

Change is the first word in the vocabulary of Future Shock. We don’t mind change, in fact, we like it. When life turns boring and dull, it spices things up and adds a zing back to it. But. We like our change in small doses. We like to control it. We like it just this […]

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Futuristic- I

Alvin Toffler is described as a Futurist. He is a man who studies societal behavior and identifies the cause of the behaviors. Of these, change is certainly one of the biggest factors. In recent times, the rate of change- in volume and frequency- has made change the biggest factor that impacts human behavior. On the […]

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Find The Silence

You are walking along a shady road on a cool October morning. The road is resplendent with tall trees on both sides. It is one of those days when time is not measured by the clock but by the fragrant coolness that enters lazily through your nostrils and leaves pools of contentment in its wake. […]

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Time to Shine

There was a time not too long ago, when parents hadn’t heard of a thing called body clock. They had, however, heard that it is good for children to be woken up before dawn and urged to study- duly bathed and smelling roses- by four am, since that is when one learned (read learn by […]

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Witch In The Tree

Summer was vacation time with my two brothers. Technically, they are  my cousins as they are my mother’s sister’s sons. They are both older than me. I was their kid sister-cum- guinea pig- cum- punching bag. This seems to be the lot of kid sisters, specially that of the dumb variety. I am an only […]

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Words And Actions

Arvind stared at his mother in utter confusion. She went on talking rapidly, noticing his look and ignoring it deliberately. His brain seemed frozen. He felt stupid as if not only his power of comprehension but also of hearing had shut down. He couldn’t deal with the intent of her words. Shutting down seemed the […]

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