Short Story: Subject Number Seven (Part I)

Spin Me A Tale Series- Subject Number Sever

Kabir stood at the edge of the terrace, his loose tie fluttering in the wind. Through the smoke of his cigarette, he looked at the cityscape with its twinkling lights, wondering once again if what he had done was right. Staring at the horizon his thoughts travelled back to the fateful rainy day when he […]

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Spin me a Tale, Storyteller!

Spin Me A Tale, Storyteller!

Through his stories, an expert storyteller can deepen the reader’s experience of life. Reading a compelling story enables a reader to live an entirely new life. It brings him to challenges he has never faced, with tragedies he has never endured, with joys he has never experienced! The world of the story is refreshingly different […]

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Loudspeakers And Other Lethal Things

Lethal Loudspeakers

You would hardly believe it, but loudspeakers are lethal instruments of mass destruction. Yes, they are. I’ll tell you why. Because they incite harmless, mild people like yours truly to murderous rage. Once the rage has been stoked, one never knows where it would stop, if ever. Result: Mass Destruction. QED. The event triggering this homicidal train […]

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Identity: The YOU in You

Identity: The YOU in You

Identity: The things that make you, YOU!   You know already that you are a One-Of-A-Kind rarity. There never was anyone Identical to you, and there never will be. What goes into creating the uniqueness that you call your Identity and what makes it so wonderfully precious? Your circumstances, talents and disposition are unlike that of any other person on earth. […]

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