
Raman’s heart sank as he feverishly searched his pockets. With rising trepidation, he turned his bag inside out- another blank. He ran his classroom and searched there. He even lay flat on the floor and peered under the ancient wooden cupboard. Almost hysterical now, he asked all his friends, begging them to end the cruel […]

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The Educator

Contrary to common belief, the meaning of the word education is not to ‘give  knowledge or wisdom’. Education comes from the base word EDUCE which means- Bring out or develop (something latent or potential). Edutation, therefore, doesn’t refer to a giving of knowledge or wisdom, it refers to drawing out the inner knowledge and wisdom […]

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Come Alive

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~ Dr. Howard Thruman I have met hordes of people who would have a fit if you repeated the above quote in their hearing. There are also […]

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Look Before You Leap

I was in the seventh grade. My class teacher was this stunningly gorgeous girl called Celine. We called her Miss Celine and loved her madly. She had her own voodoo. She made sunshine her personal accessory. When she swished into the class in the morning, tripping along briskly, she would be glittering with sun beams. […]

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I don’t believe in religion. There! I said it! I was in ninth grade. There was a moral science class going on. Our regular teacher was absent hence our vice- principal Sr M was conducting the class. It was a combined class with three sections squeezed together. Imagine eighty+ fifteen year old girls packed together […]

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Timeless Skills

In the past twenty years, the world has transformed. Communication has been the key to this transformation. It has shrunk the size of the world to amazing extent. Who could have thought that you could see people in real time from half way across the world? Who could have thought that complicated operations could be […]

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Off The Shelf

Off the shelf solutions are convenient. They are cost- effective instead of being cheap. To the naked eye, the former is merely the politically correct way of saying the latter. Actually, there is no other difference between the two. Off the shelf apparel, business solutions, software… they are all cheaper and very convenient to use. […]

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An Old Diary

I was hunting for an old songs diary in one of my bookshelves early this morning. [Aside: I wake up before dawn so early morning is like mid-day to me. I’m totally into hunting for diaries by then. And yes, song diary? The diary one wrote song lyrics in, pre-internet. Alright, I’m THAT old! Doll- […]

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Shane Koyczan was bullied when he was a child. Children are cruel at times… without meaning to be. To carry that pain, to ‘obey’ the perceptions of those whose world view is immature and miniscule, to shape your life with words used by those who had no idea of their power, to live out someone […]

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The free online dictionary defines Pliant as: 1. Easily bent or flexed; pliable. 2. Easily altered or modified to fit conditions; adaptable. 3. Yielding readily to influence or domination; compliant. Its synonyms include: amenable, ductile, elastic, flexible, governable, limber, lissom, malleable, manageable, plastic, pliable, soft, supple,  tractable, yielding. You may have heard this word used for […]

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