I am a little uptight. The lady I want to introduce to you today is so precious that I am afraid to choose the words which will form the strokes of my brush as I define her, lest they fall short. Yet, I know they will fall short. What words can contain this woman?
Sridevi Dutta is poetess.
The truth is, to me the word Poetess is the fullest definition of her that I can find. It says everything I could possibly think of saying. It is a word that holds myriad nuances within it. With one word I can wonder at her depth of perception and be astounded by the audacity of her flights. The word tells me of her dreamy playfulness while it shows me the visions that gather in her prescient eyes like childhood’s companions.
Her poems have always made a home in me, always. I breathe the warm air they exude and it seems so familiar, so… mine. Her words, whether from her poem or off her prose, fit into my inner space. They’ve always belonged there. I have a serene sense of homecoming when I read her. That serenity has a sense of narcissism, as if I am impressed with myself.
I could write about Sridevi for ages and never tire of it. There are too many levels on which I feel connected to her; deeply, unquestionably connected. The connection is inevitable and irrevocable, beyond the possibility of debate. But I wont write anymore about her. You must experience her yourself. Find her blog at The Write Journey.
Feeling as connected to her as I do, I am thrilled to the core that she consented to write something for me. To be able to bring her beautiful words to you, fills me with a deep, calm pride. Sri, thank you for this hauntingly beautiful journey you’re taking us to. Thank you for letting us witness the luminescence of your melodious song.
A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.
~ Maya Angelou
Here is the song the bird sang for us:
As a child, I loved sitting by windows(as an adult I still do). Opening windows held many promises. Promise of a movement, promise of a night pushed away to background, promise of a hesitant trembling movement taken forward or the promise of a gentle ripple breaking on the surface of dormant, static dream. Opening windows spelled freedom of the rarest types , freedom to be you –the chaotic silent you who dared to step out of boundaries, or the crowded-claustrophobic you trying to understand something as trivial as social embarrassment, the tale gatherer you, the story listener you, the fire you, the mystique you, the mundane you and embracing all these, the woman you.
As a woman, when I sat by a window, distances faded and destinations blurred into nothingness. Windows morphed me into a traveler- a path seeker.
Another woman– my mother, an avid tale seeker and as big a window enthusiast as me, would answer my , “Amma why do you love windows?” with a simple “Because every tale has a window sweetheart!”
And just as I would struggle to understand the full meaning of this statement, she would whisper laughingly into my ear, “A tale without windows is like a house with ghosts.”
“You mean like a horror story?” I would ask open-jawed .
“Horror stories are not the only places where ghosts reside Sweety”, would come her reply and the big pretender that I had always been, I would pretend to understand…really understand.
And so I continued to sit by the windows. The big grilled ones of the trains where landscapes fled past you with the lightening speed of thoughts or the small square ones of the airplanes where you felt suspended in a single, big clouded thought or the round cabin holes of the ships where your thoughts were firmly anchored to the deep ocean bed below.
But sometimes weariness would set in. Fatigue would seep into the bones as though the train you were travelling by came to a grinding halt right in the middle of a dark tunnel; or the metallic wings of your airplane found the heights too unbearable to rise; or the waters beneath your ship turned choppy when you were deep in slumber.
You close the windows one by one. You even bang the door shut, not letting in light. Not letting in even a teeny- weenie ray through. You seek succor in the dark. You tell yourself that perhaps you were not meant for travel. The shadows soothe you, patting you to sleep .
As you close your eyes , your mind conjures up visions. Disjointed, yet forming a perfect whole. A single bird making tiny vague circles over the village fields, a brown faced girl… her dry, dishevelled hair held in two dangling ribbons waving frantically to you, an urchin- his smile silhouetted yet distinct in the setting sun racing alongside the railway tracks and all these against the clickety-clackety rhythm of the bogeys as they hurtle towards a nameless destination.
You continue to close your eyes and realize the rhythm of the train has somewhat changed. The train now whistles with more intensity and you feel the metallic vibrations deep within your bones. You know now that you are crossing a bridge. A river would be flowing underneath and there would be village boys splashing in its waters. A few tiny boats would be sailing, their nets filed with the day’s bounty and somewhere on the banks would stand a few buffaloes, languid and placid, their shiny, oily skins lovingly scrubbed by their masters.
You gently open your eyes. You know you have crossed a bridge. The choppy waters from another time have receded to a mere ripple. Below your deck, you see a pair of dolphins dive into the sea. You open one window after another till every inch of your abode is filled with gentle moonshine. You walk out and watch the universe fast asleep in its warm cocoon. You clip on your long lost wings and start to fly. The darkness feels warm and fearless on your skin.
You hum to yourself the song of luminescence and celebrate.

Fantastic piece! As beautiful as Maya Angelou’s poem! Stunning in its Indianess, in its simplicity, in its pathos, in its spirit. One more time, I am so thrilled I have been able to read a Sridevi piece. Bow before you lady!
Thanks so much Bhavs . Hugs for always being there in mind body and spirit 🙂 <3
Sri every time I read something you have written, it makes me want to get better and this piece is simply wow. Am at a loss for words, and that is a big thing you know. I am so humbled and proud at the same time to know you and call you my friend. You inspire me everyday
Jai sweetheart… as sisters and friends we continue to inspire each other . Thanks so much for reading 🙂
What a spectacular play of words and imagery! Simple, powerful writing, Sri! Even now I love watching outside from the window. And what an introduction. It warms my heart instantly.
Indeed Rachna ..Dagny has a way of interpreting your very essence isn’t it ? And thanks so much for your appreciation and reading 🙂 <3
Words have been woven so well together to create such vivid images.. I was on the train.. on the ship.. at all those windows, watching the girl, the urchin.. the bird…. very well written!
Thanks so much dear Seeta for reading 🙂
Like a child under a spell, I was doing exactly what Sridevi was telling me to. Visually arresting prose. Or was it poetry?
A pleasure Sri. And thank you Dagny.
So sweet of you Alka …and how heart warming is that comment of yours .Thanks so much 🙂
Thank you so much Dagny for such a heart warming introduction 🙂 You interpreted me so beautifully and also thanks so much for hosting me <3 Hugs
To have ‘met’ you is a reward by itself Sri. I am so proud and happy that I got you to write for me. And what a fabulous journey you’ve created for us! Each time I read it, I experience new sensations. You are truly, TRULY outstanding. Thank you for being a part of my own journey.
Sorry Sri, I took a lot of time to visit here and comment.
First, Dagny only you can do justice to the introductions. Hat’s off.
Sri, this is so lyrical. No one will look at a window and out of it in the same light as they had been doing all these days.
I have traveled by train so much that I went back in time to recollect just anything from those journeys…but, nothing came up, nothing as beautiful as this.
Every morning I used to sit by my window to have my cup of tea. When it rains, I sit by the window…and I just love it.
No Janu you’re not at all late . Thanks for reading this and I’m so glad this piece connected so well with you at so many levels . Even I love sitting by window when it rains .Next time I’m in Mumbai your patties with chai by the window .Deal ?? 😀 😀
Deal Deal and Deal.
😀 😀 😀
Wow, simply wow, I really don’t have too many more words to describe what I am feeling right now 🙂
Thanks so much my friend . You really made my day 🙂
Anything I say about this lady’s words are less. I have been in love with her words from day one and still continue….akka, you have taken me on a journey to childhood on those train journeys, bus rides at nights when I sat at the window and looked at the passing moon as long as I went and thought moon was coming along with me 🙂
Isn’t it Prudhvi ..even I used to think that the Moon was stalking me 😀 And thanks so much for always being there 😀
Sridevi, anything I say cannot do justice to this brilliant weave of lyrical words that is this post. I loved it, and it is simply wow! Dagny – you and uptight? LOL! Never
Thanks so much Sid 😀 and you’re so right ! Dagny and uptight ? Never ! 🙂
Beautiful, Sri.
Thanks so much dear Parichita 🙂
Pure magic in poetry. Your vivid imaginations create a visual spectacle for the reader. One read wasn’t enough, looking forward to more.
Thanks so much dear Anita for your encouraging and lovely words 🙂
“Her poems have always made a home in me, always. I breathe the warm air they exude and it seems so familiar, so… mine.”
Indeed I feel this sense that she herself has always had a home in me.
Your words distilled the quintessential Sridevi quality!
“Windows morphed me into a traveler- a path seeker.” This couldn’t have been expressed better!
And Amma is right – every tale has a window. We just need to find and open it!
I am so blessed to have you , Dagny , Bhavs and Anu in my life Chakra . We connect at so many levels . And indeed Amma’s words have taught me to open all windows and doors around me 🙂
I love this, its simplicity, the easy words used, the deep and profound meaning conveyed so effortlessly. Awesome. Great piece of writing
Thanks so much Ritu , I’ll frame these words forever in my heart . <3
Never realized the importance of a window in so much depth until now. Sri, you are a wonderful soul and am glad that Dagny could showcase this brilant talent to all.
Bless you two!
And wonderful souls connect at many many levels ain’t it Ruch ? <3
Ohh what a fabulous piece… The words and portrayal of expressions is bewitching… I love sitting by the window too and as I read this brilliant write up, I reflected upon all those moments and wondered – is this the reason why I love windows so much? So glad I read Sridevi’s work.
Thanks so much Rajlakshmi . I’m touched by your sincere words 🙂
There are pieces that engage you, pieces that entertain you and pieces that move you. BUT a piece that transports you and holds you captive long after you are done reading – wow!
That is such a lovely comment Suresh and coming from a wonderful writer like you …I’ll cherish it forever 🙂
That was quite lyrical and dreamy.
Thanks so much TF 🙂 😀