Come April, bloggers of all shapes, sizes and genres go bananas.
They voluntarily- and sans remunerative compensation- enroll themselves to a grueling annual blogging ritual. All through the month of April they commit to writing a post a day on all days except Sundays. The remaining twenty six days are devoted to the twenty six letters of the alphabet making this the AtoZ Challenge. To lend a semblance of sanity to this insane month of reading and writing, they sometimes choose a theme so that they may decide on the things they will NOT write.
This is the first time I am going to participate in the A-Z Challenge. I didn’t dare to last year, though I ran along those who participated. I did not write a post on the alphabet of the day, but I did write twenty- six posts in the month of April. Considering that my average output was never more than four posts a month, it was a major effort. If I sound smug it is because I AM smug.
Having churned out twenty six posts in April, I needed to prove to myself that this wasn’t just temporary insanity industry (damn the similar looking words!). I therefore churned out twenty five posts in May and twenty four in June. And then I realized that the thing they say about post regularly to improve your blog traffic wasn’t bunkum at all. They were deadly serious, by gawd!
Truth is, after I did all that work, I sat and kicked myself steadily for the next few months. I mean, I might as well have taken the challenge and earned some bragging rights. In hindsight (that’s the place where the stupidest among us are bristling with wisdom), it seemed mighty silly to have missed out.
This year, therefore, we aren’t missing out on licking (figuratively ONLY please!) the challenge. This year, we are participating with bells in our hair. And we are going to be mighty noisy about it too. Be warned, therefore.
Now that I’ve decided to be challenged (that’s different from being handicapped– I’ve already got that pat), I thought I’ll make things a little easier for myself by doing a bit of planning. Of course, I never stick to plans. The more elaborate they are the less I am likely to follow them. I don’t know why, but it pleases me no end. Like I put a fistful of salt in your soup when you weren’t looking and went back to eating my soup, looking virtuous and demure.
My phrase for 2014 is Step Out and that’s the theme I’ll be following for the challenge too.
I hope to find twenty six reasons to urge me to Step Out and be counted.
There are two basic motivators. It is either the pain of losing something or the pleasure of gaining something. It is neatly summed up thus:
We do what we do to gain a gain or to avoid a pain.
The emotions ruling the states of pain and pleasure are brought into play by the moving away from and moving towards values, respectively. The twenty six posts during the challenge will be a short discussion about a moving away from or a moving towards value.
Twenty six reasons to Step Out! Should be lots of fun!

Wow love it love it 🙂
Thank you so much Jaibala! 🙂
Wow!! Now this is some plan!! Looking forward to read you, as you Step Out this April, Dagny! Cheers 🙂
Cheers to you too Shilpa! Hope to meet you all through April! All the best to you too 🙂
You too? Jeez….good luck though. And love the theme
I decided to go ahead with it Sid. Lets see how it goes… 🙂 I commiserate with you, you’ll have loads to read in Apr… 😀
*feels pleased at having scared Sid*
Aha indeed Hrishikesh! 😀
Really looking forward to reading and following your Challenge posts. So glad you are stepping out and taking this journey, with all the bells in your hair 🙂
I hope you won’t confuse the bells in my hair with the bell that goes round the cat’s neck! 😀
I simply LOVED your posts last year. In fact, you are one of the reasons I decided to participate this year. 😀
How cool is that and a big thank you. Love to see what you come up with and love your energy. Can’t wait to waltz through the alphabet with you 🙂
I can’t wait either. Do you write anything in advance? Or prepare in any way?
I prepare the ideas and concepts rather than actual posts. Last year I planned all of the headings but ended up changing a few on the day as I felt they were better than the originals.
Then that’s what I’ll do too. Lets see how it works out. In any case, I’ll be in good and inspiring company. 😀
Looking forward to it! 🙂
Thank you Naba! 🙂
Nice theme, and can be done in various ways. I am intrigued to see how you’ll match it with the alphabets, but I guess I’ll have to wait for April to see. Good Luck!
I hope you aren’t disappointed Parichita. I’m a little uptight about it, truth be told. 🙂 Thank you!
I’m sure I won’t be disappointed. Maybe I’ll find one reason for me as well to step out (more) 🙂
Oh wow! Now THAT’s a motivation to write! Thank you!
Not you too, Dagny! I guess I can forget reading for the coming month. Being on vacation will be a good excuse, no? 😀
By all means go for a vacation Rachna. My posts will be waiting for you when you return… all travel weary and footsore. 😀
You know I am a sucker for your writing :D!
Moreover, you don’t want me attached to the back of your collar. 😀
Ohh love your theme- hope to get some ideas of my own on stepping out!
Thank you Kate! 🙂
This is going to be fun, isn’t it? I have done three whole months of continuous blogging, no off on Sundays either. But going by the alphabet will be a first. 🙂
God help us Shail. I’ve got the coldest feet possible… 🙂
I’ve not commented here enough Dagny, but I really look forward to a dose of you all through April. Happy writing
Really looking forward Danny! For the “industry” and the “insanity” you will create via your words…
Lets see which one predominates Bhavana. I suspect it’ll be insanity and mayhem. 🙂
And, what’s in a name? 🙂
Geez, I spelled that Danny! Dagny Sol I mean–
Great theme! Look forward to the inspiring posts. All the best.
Thank you Beloo. I’m looking forward to the challenge too. Are you participating?
I can’t wait to read ur posts, Dagny. Decided to challenge the self and be part of mad blog posts:)
Oh that would surely be fun Vishal. All the best to you!
Step out, Dagny, we’re right behind you. Love the philosophy behind your theme. I’ll be here every day.
Thank you Cynthia. I look forward to reading you too. 🙂
Lovely!! And, I can see this being a motivational factor for a lot of us!!
Thank you Admin… 😀 <3
Nice theme – looking forward to stepping out with you on the AtoZ.
This is going to be a fun ride, isn’t it Suzy? 🙂
I am kicking myself for not having read you before, maybe a post or two I might have, but, looking forward to reading your posts this April!
Oh no! Don’t kick yourself just yet! I need you in prime reading condition. You can kick yourself after the challenge is over. In fact… er… I might even help. 😀 😀
So happy to have you here Pooja. Don’t feel bad about not having read me before… you didn’t read me, I didn’t read you. Equal fault on both sides… 😀
Step out !! I love your theme 🙂 to have new experiences one has to step out. Waiting to read more 🙂
Thank you Rajlakshmi! I look forward to reading you too… 😀
Bring it on Baby….I love what you have got to say. Cheers!
Thanks Janu 🙂
Great theme Dagny. I have been an on and off follower of your blog. Seems in April I’ll be stepping out with you more! 🙂
I hope we will all be stepping out together Aditi. 🙂
Great theme Dagny! And just like you, I have used my goal fro 2014 to link in with my theme! 🙂 Looking forward to following your journey… 🙂
I’ll catch up with your theme reveal post too. Looking forward to reading you during the challenge. 🙂
A rather interesting theme and one that strikes a cord with me. Especially the quote, stepping out to gain or avoid a pain. Looking forward to April and your posts 🙂
Thank you Richa. This should be a fun ride. 🙂
looking forward for some inspirational posts to help me step out 😉 all the best 🙂
Thank you Swati. Look forward to reading you too. 🙂
I am eagerly waiting for u to step out <3
so far this is the theme which ATTRACTED me towards the theme thingy 😀
Thank you Afshan! Look forward to reading your posts too during the challenge. 🙂
Would love to stepin to see what you step out to do.. all the best. Have loved your posts so far.. 🙂
Thank you Rubina. Wish you the best too. Look forward to reading you during the challenge. Thanks for coming by. 🙂
I am impressed.. April, May and June… Over 20 posts.. You’re a veteran. Never in my whole blogging life have I done over 20 posts a month. And after the weekly challenges that I have attempted, I kind of collapse from the stress and lie low for days together. And now I’m wondering what possessed me to take the Challenge. I love your theme. Will be dropping by.
Well before you get too impressed, I think I ought to mention the fine print. I played dead for 3 solid months after June. 😛
I hope you are cured of your impressions now. If not, do let me know. I’ll tell you some more horror tales about myself. Including the one in which…. er… um… well never mind.
Thank you for coming by. I will surely drop by to your blog too during the challenge. 🙂