
You can CAN!

  You must have heard this adage many times: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. It is a jarringly cliched adage, one I personally find annoyingly pompous. Yeah right, I say to myself! It is very easy to preach it when everything is going well. When life actually hands you a lemon, you are […]

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Kamikaze is a Japanese word which literally means Divine Wind (Kami: Divine; Kaze: Wind). The word came into being during WWII. A group of Japanese pilots were trained to deliberately crash their explosive- laden planes on enemy camps, ships etc., knowing they will be killed. Since then, Kamikaze has evolved to to mean a character […]

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 The universe is benevolent. You may choose to believe it, or not. Your lack of belief wouldn’t alter the fact. The benevolence of the universe refers to the universe’s neutrality towards you. At some point in your life, if things were just coming apart one after another, it was not because there was a vendetta […]

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I don’t believe in religion. There! I said it! I was in ninth grade. There was a moral science class going on. Our regular teacher was absent hence our vice- principal Sr M was conducting the class. It was a combined class with three sections squeezed together. Imagine eighty+ fifteen year old girls packed together […]

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