Invictus is a Latin word meaning Unconquered (Invictive (adj) undefeatable). The word has remained in current usage because of William Ernest Henley’s poem of the same name. Since a thing of beauty is a joy forever, here it is for you to experience its magic again: Invictus Out of the night that covers me, […]
Heuristic involves or serves as an aid to learning, discovery, or problem-solving by experimental and especially trial-and-error methods. It also relates to exploratory problem-solving techniques that utilize self-educating techniques. The prefixed self in self- education is actually redundant, like it is in self- discipline. Discipline, like education, is meant to be self-directed and self-monitored. You […]
The Earth (ground) is a leveler. It has the ability to absorb as well as to exude energy. It can absorb negative energy and exude positive energy. In that sense, the earth is also a dynamic, magical entity. When you are in touch with the earth, walking bare foot in the grass early […]
A Fabulist is a person who invents fables. You are a Fabulist, whether you realized it all this while, or not. Perhaps it is time for you to examine the kind of fables you have been inventing; to weed out those that don’t serve you and to deliberately invent and create those that empower and […]
You are an eternal being on earth for a human experience. The eternal, indestructible you (your soul) is the real you. That is your permanent state. Your human role is temporary and transient. It will come and go again and again. With each iteration (pardon the programming jargon, no other word expresses repetitive cyclic […]
Step Out With A-Z
Come April, bloggers of all shapes, sizes and genres go bananas. They voluntarily- and sans remunerative compensation- enroll themselves to a grueling annual blogging ritual. All through the month of April they commit to writing a post a day on all days except Sundays. The remaining twenty six days are devoted to the twenty six […]