
Facebook Rules Ver 1.0

You thought you were getting it all free, didn’t you? That you’d get to do your own thing, your own way? Have loads of fun? Break a few hearts, put a few aristocratic noses out of joint in a merry free for all? Ha. As your poor mother tried to din into your thick skull […]

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Random Chance

Ravi hitched up his backpack and left. He had come to visit them ten days ago. They lived in a village fifty kilometers away from Nagpur. Dawn was just breaking in the east. The sky was flushed with promise. For no reason at all, Ravi felt braced. Today is the first day of the rest […]

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Ordinary Courage

Many years ago I read a story about a boy called David. David was a spastic suffering from cerebral palsy. When he was two years old his parents noticed something wrong. They were told he would never walk, talk or count to ten. They were told that the case is hopeless and David will live […]

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Phase Three: Sunset

  I am sure the two of us must seem like two buddies enjoying the sunset. You couldn’t be farther out. We are brothers not buddies. The other is equally inaccurate. I have a compelling affinity for this place. It presents a spectacle which is rare and beautiful. Yet, I don’t come here for the […]

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Phase Two: Midday

    A chance encounter can change your life. My life is a testimonial to that statement. Over ten years ago, another chance meeting with a stranger on a perfectly ordinary Saturday night had given me an experience to last a life-time, and changed the channel into which my life was to flow. My favorite […]

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Learn to Stand Aside

The dust has settled down and it is time to take stock and count the casualties. Valentine Day has just gone by. This day was supposed to celebrate something essentially private and personal… something which must never be witnessed by strange eyes… for a public exposure makes it inhumanly cheap and vulgar. The tender feeling of love has acquired […]

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