
Affirmations: Day #8

  I affirm that… I trust the Divine to guide me into always taking the best decisions for my life. I am filled with deep, tranquil and persistent hope regarding my future.     I think about this, not like someone thinking, but like someone breathing, And I look at flowers and I smile… I […]

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The day draws to a quiet close with all the perfection of a well-played concerto. It is late afternoon. The winter sun filters through the foliage of the trees that hug my home and creates dappling, moving shadows on the floor. My eyes return repeatedly to the brilliant green-gold of the view outside as I […]

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Apropos To Your Question

Dear Mrs A.,  Hello! How have you been? Good I hope? I suppose you are surprised to receive my letter today. I mean, who writes letters nowadays? I could as easily have picked up the phone to talk to you instead. Communication was never as easy (AND affordable) as it is now. But I didn’t […]

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A Sense of Well-Being

You long for a sense of well-being. Who doesn’t? You long to reach a state of peace and contentment in which God is in His heaven and all is right with the world. A quest for that state is fairly common. It is so closely associated with a state of happiness that it is all […]

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An Hour In The Garden

I don’t know why I have come into the garden today. Everyday when I return from training, I go straight upstairs. Today, I didn’t. Instead of turning right from the gate towards the stairs, I turn left into the garden. I take off my sandals and walk barefoot in the cool, moist grass. The garden […]

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Forgive And Forget

Vidya Sury is too well known to need an introduction. Her posts are always brimming with positivity, she is always upbeat. Her words are insightful and funny. It is always a pleasure to read her. Though, sometimes I am simply not able to. But I believe that I would be taken to her blog the […]

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Find The Silence

You are walking along a shady road on a cool October morning. The road is resplendent with tall trees on both sides. It is one of those days when time is not measured by the clock but by the fragrant coolness that enters lazily through your nostrils and leaves pools of contentment in its wake. […]

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