It was still dark. The sun wasn’t out yet, though it was already past six in the morning. And it was cold; a chilly cold that turns your breath foggy and makes your eyes water sharply. I got off the train gingerly, a tad anxious. I had to take a connecting train four hours later. […]
Of Good And Evil
“Good” being that which expresses truth and virtue and attracts the consciousness to God; and “Evil” being ignorance and delusion, that which repels the consciousness from God. ~Sri Sri Paramhansa Yogananda A thousand times I have heard people say, “Oh there is no good and bad. It’s all a question of perspectives.” Or they’d say, […]
My Phrase For 2015

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
~ Maya Angelou
Farewell 2014

An account of gains and slips; victories and the not-quite, things accomplished and those yet-to-be-worked upon… A word of gratitude and a huge THANK YOU!
Wholesomeness Of Spirit
Winning through adverse circumstances and challenges is inspiring for all those who bear witness to the victory. But when you win through with your humility untainted by bitterness; resilience unsullied by a betrayed sense of entitlement, you demonstrate a Wholesomeness of Spirit which inspires reverence!
I have known Sarita (name changed) for almost ten years. She is a self-employed woman. When I met her, she had reached a plateau in her professional growth. She had tried all she could think of to expand professionally but she had run against one brick wall after another. Someone introduced her to me and […]
But Why Did You Lie?
…because you made it impossible for me to speak the truth. You don’t have the guts to hear it. You are too weak and self-obsessed to to make space for another person. You are too terrified of what it will mean to you personally, how you may have to change the status quo, how you […]
Another Lost Battle
Robin Williams passed away yesterday. May he rest in peace! When I learned of it this morning, I was shocked- like millions all over the world. I googled frantically for details. What I learned shocked me even more. I found that Mr. Williams’s high energy at times masked a personal struggle with alcohol and drug […]
Open Up
The person you honor by sharing your ‘shame storm’ with, must be non- judgmental, to accept you completely with all your imperfections and confusing contradictions. They must give you the space in which you can stand naked without wondering what they might be thinking. They must be someone to whom you can confess your most terrible fears.
Moral Of The Story
I read a version of this story somewhere many years ago. I believe someone sent it to me in the mail. Ergo, don’t bop me over the head if you’ve read it before. There was a farmer who was an enthusiastic horse breeder. He specialized in breeding race horses. He collected different breeds of horses […]