Today is one of those whimsical days I refuse to do anything. Today I want to be a sponge, to soak up life. I want to sit on a fallen tree- trunk by the side of the road and watch life go rolling past in its numerous carriages- some gaudy, some plain. Today is a […]
A Letter To Me
Dear Me, This feels weird. You’ll be wondering why the letter is addressed to ‘me’ instead of to you by name. I know you hastened to read the signature at the bottom before you began reading the letter. I know that the ‘ME’ in the signature line has confused you even more. I […]

I gasped in shock as the scream slammed into me. It took me a few moments to realize that the awful guttural sound of pure rage had emerged from my own throat. All of the past year I have tried to run away from that scream. It was the sole witness to that truth you […]
Who is Watching?
I began my career in frontline sales. After almost fifteen years of selling a diverse range of products, I realized that the sales techniques I need to use are the same, no matter what the product. The thought held me in its grip and took hold of my imagination. I began talking to other sales […]
A Precious Conch Shell
That conch shell..? It is precious to me I picked it up One sunny morn When all the world lay lost In a lazy, lazy slumber. Alone was I, abroad, that sunny morn There, by the ocean’s edge The waves swirling Around my feet Coaxing me, Luring me I looked at the sun […]