.. This video was made by a mother. Naturally, it presents a mother’s perspective. The things a mother would do for her child, the manner in which a mother experiences her child. This experience is unique to every mother. All mothers, including me, know that. This doesn’t, however, mean that the video is only for mothers […]
Mind Job
The mind is a rationalizer. Once the heart/ soul takes a decision based on an emotional instinct, impulse or desire, the mind rationalizes the decision you’ve taken, justifying it on rational principles. Sometimes when a decision cannot be so rationalized, the mind manufactures rational arguments and evidence in order to sugar- coat it for the […]
Arguing With Life
WHAT IS, is what is supposed to be, or it would not be. The rest is just you, arguing with life. ~ Neale Donald Walsch When I read that quote in the morning today, it was like someone threw a bucket of cold water over me. We all react to a bucket of cold water […]
Monkey See Monkey Do
Human beings learn vital skills by aping their immediate social group. A large part of our reactions and responses falls under the category of learned behavior. We’ve learned to ape facial expressions, tone of voice, the way we do things like holding our spoon, clipping our nails or tying our shoelaces. We’ve also aped some […]
Your Best-Case Scenario
I’d like you to visualize this: It is an incredibly beautiful day. The air is clear, the sky is brilliantly, impossibly blue. Somewhere you hear the tinkling music of wind- chimes; it creates an answering resonance within you. The silence around you is deep, rippling with the shadows of contentment over a vista lit with […]
An Impulse to Excel
I’ve been lagging behind on reading the blogs I subscribe to. I decided to read first today and then, if I was a good girl, I’d get to write. Most times this game works but sometimes, like today, it falls flat on its face. I’m so pleased. I was reading away contentiously when I came […]
Not Just Words
Have you noticed how language- centric we’ve become? There is such an endless stream of words in our lives. There is increasingly less personal, face- to- face time we have for each other. We ‘communicate’ more than we ever did because we have a myriad ways to touch base with those who matter to us. […]
Beyond Salvage

Your garden has the exact mix of order and wilderness that appeals to you. You love it; it is beautiful. The best feature of your garden is a huge shady tree under which there is a garden bench. A rope swing hangs delicately from its sturdy branches. The tree is big and strong. It will […]
Life in 55 Words
ONE “Dad, let me take this summer job.” “What?! You’re just sixteen! People will think I can’t provide for my family.” “It’ll be good for my future, I’ll learn so much. Please?” “I’ll become the laughing stock of town. I’ve said no, discussion over.” The child fell silent, spirit crumpled under the weight of society’s […]
You Are Beautiful
You are incredibly, startlingly and marvelously beautiful. The most beautiful thing about you is that you don’t believe that you are. Let me prove it to you: You are a part of God and God is all beautiful, every bit of Him, including you. You are capable of giving, receiving and experiencing love. You experience […]