


It was a balmy late afternoon. The sky was a glowing, washed-out blue. White balls of cotton bobbed about merrily on that sea of blue-ness. Some had coagulated greyly, ponderous with moisture. It had rained all morning. Steam rose in warm wafts from humid earth under my feet. Somewhere, far off, it was raining again, […]

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Mother Earth

The Earth has been called Mother. She is the symbol of patience, endurance and unlimited giving. She provides a static platform for the dynamic dance of life. She remains stoic and unmoving as life moves over her skin, now slithering, now galloping, now walking with a firm, deliberate step. She breathes; her breath misty and […]

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The name Drona comes from the Sanskrit root dru “to melt”. Therefore, Drona implies “that which remains in a melted state”. A thought or physical act once performed does not cease to be, but remains in the consciousness in a more subtle or “melted” form as an impression of that gross expression of thought or […]

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Of Good And Evil

“Good” being that which expresses truth and virtue and attracts the consciousness to God; and “Evil” being ignorance and delusion, that which repels the consciousness from God. ~Sri Sri Paramhansa Yogananda A thousand times I have heard people say, “Oh there is no good and bad. It’s all a question of perspectives.” Or they’d say, […]

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But Why Did You Lie?

…because you made it impossible for me to speak the truth. You don’t have the guts to hear it. You are too weak and self-obsessed to to make space for another person. You are too terrified of what it will mean to you personally, how you may have to change the status quo, how you […]

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Another Lost Battle

Robin Williams passed away yesterday. May he rest in peace! When I learned of it this morning, I was shocked- like millions all over the world. I googled frantically for details. What I learned shocked me even more. I found that Mr. Williams’s high energy at times masked a personal struggle with alcohol and drug […]

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A Sense of Well-Being

You long for a sense of well-being. Who doesn’t? You long to reach a state of peace and contentment in which God is in His heaven and all is right with the world. A quest for that state is fairly common. It is so closely associated with a state of happiness that it is all […]

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Thought is Action in Rehearsal

Some years ago I read a book called Make a Life Not Just a Living written by Dr Ron Jenson. The merits of the books are too numerous to list here. Suffice to say that if you haven’t yet read the book, you missed something wonderful. I trust you will repair the omission speedily.  However, […]

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