
Four Minute Mile

For more than one hundred years, runners tried to break the four-minute mile barrier. It was considered the Holy Grail of track and field. Many said it couldn’t be done. In fact, doctors wrote articles in medical journals explaining why it was physically impossible for the human body to run a mile in less than […]

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It Could Have Been Me

I had been married three years on that sultry June afternoon. Delhi and I had come to the conclusion that we couldn’t get along. We parted ways with equal determination on both sides. We still cordially loath each other, which is very fine with me. I relocated to my hometown while my ex was still […]

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Sunday Brunch (#2)

This week’s brunch will begin with a wound. It is best to eat the bitter dishes first so that the rest of the meal can be enjoyed in peace. This post is almost as if the universe were telling me, “Watch, notice. This is what happens when the spirit is wounded. This is the effect, […]

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Sunday Brunch

This post is a compilation of the best online reads I found during the week. These thought have made an impact on me, have moved me a few miniscule measures closer to becoming the person I am meant to be. The post also gives links to my own posts written during the week, if you’ve […]

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The Makers

A close friend shared this video a short while ago. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSVYvUHg4UA&w=560&h=315] The video triggered a few questions within me. I would like to leave them with you. (If I offend you, I apologize in advance. My words are driven by the pain of having to witness the untapped, unrealized and unseen potential of the hundreds […]

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Beacon of the Wise

Dreamer: I am so excited! Doubter: Not me. I don’t like this at all. It’s far away and could be dangerous. Dreamer: Nonsense! This is my dream handed to me on a silver platter. Doubter/Realist (they’re close cousins): Who is going to run your business while you’re away? Dreamer: My fabulous team whom I completely […]

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A Little Deeper

You meet people randomly on the net. You read people; some you connect with, some not. You find some sensible while others make you wonder if they were dropped carelessly on their head when they were babies. And some, frankly, make your toes curl up in rank distaste for the aroma of moist, rancid rot […]

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