
Fragile Life

A year ago, I didn’t know there was a lady blogger called Janaki Nagraj who spun poems and wrote about things that made an impact on her; was a fitness enthusiast and a hands- on mom. Janaki is gem collector. She trawls the internet and selects priceless gems from it- be they thought provoking insights, […]

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Witch In The Tree

Summer was vacation time with my two brothers. Technically, they are  my cousins as they are my mother’s sister’s sons. They are both older than me. I was their kid sister-cum- guinea pig- cum- punching bag. This seems to be the lot of kid sisters, specially that of the dumb variety. I am an only […]

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Children Take Notes

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdC-cehHN6k&w=450&h=330] This video is banned apparently; don’t ask me why. Perhaps it was banned because we abhor ugliness. As all sensible people know, nothing brings ugliness home- up close and personal- than a peek in the mirror. We’d rather think ugliness is out there, away from us; external to us. We try hard to deny […]

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Beyond Salvage

Beyond Salvage

Your garden has the exact mix of order and wilderness that appeals to you. You love it; it is beautiful. The best feature of your garden is a huge shady tree under which there is a garden bench. A rope swing hangs delicately from its sturdy branches. The tree is big and strong. It will […]

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Life in 55 Words

ONE “Dad, let me take this summer job.” “What?! You’re just sixteen! People will think I can’t provide for my family.” “It’ll be good for my future, I’ll learn so much. Please?” “I’ll become the laughing stock of town. I’ve said no, discussion over.” The child fell silent, spirit crumpled under the weight of society’s […]

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Hot Chocolate

“My my! Someone’s looking like thunder today? What happened Amrita?” Runoo Mosi’s (Mosi: Mother’s sister, aunt. Forming bonds with people one is not related to is very common in India) voice was concerned, her brows puckered up. “Nothing Mosi”, said little Amrita looking utterly woebegone. Her eyes lowered, she took her place amidst the other […]

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Against Hopelessness

A short while ago I was reading a fellow blogger’s reasons for why she has posted nothing for almost three weeks. Of the ten reasons she cited, one of them was the climate of hopelessness and dejection she imbibes from the world around her- news, social media, Facebook updates and posts from other bloggers. It […]

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Hippocratic Oath

I read a post by a fellow blogger today. It reminded me of an incident which might have turned out as hers did. My son was two and a half at that time. He and I were both suffering from viral fever. We had both been running a temperature for two days and were both […]

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Come Alive

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~ Dr. Howard Thruman I have met hordes of people who would have a fit if you repeated the above quote in their hearing. There are also […]

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Look Before You Leap

I was in the seventh grade. My class teacher was this stunningly gorgeous girl called Celine. We called her Miss Celine and loved her madly. She had her own voodoo. She made sunshine her personal accessory. When she swished into the class in the morning, tripping along briskly, she would be glittering with sun beams. […]

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