Inner Voice


I remember Shalini as if it was yesterday. I was in my first job, a systems trainer. She was my student, the kind who asks endless questions. I remember the looks of exasperation on the faces of the other students each time Shalini shot to her feet. Not that she noticed, or could have given […]

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Quiescence is defined as being inactive, dormant or still. Being still isn’t easy. It is something excruciatingly painful for some. Our social conditioning compels us to be up and doing. We feel guilty if we aren’t horrendously busy every minute of the day. Our busyness is our justification for taking up space on earth and […]

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 Phrontistery is defined as a thinking-place; place for study or reflection. A place to think!? Imagine that! A place to think would have the following characteristics for it to fully serve its purpose: It would be a place where no one would disturb or interrupt you. Solitude is the tinder that initiates the fire of […]

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  You are Obdurate when you refuse to do what other people want. When you are unwilling to change your opinion, or the way you do things; when you are stubborn and persistent in what you want to do; you are Obdurate. When you cannot be persuaded and are resistant to a softening influence, you […]

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  Nacre is also known as mother-of-pearl. It is an organic-inorganic composite material produced by some molluscs. It is also what makes up the outer coating of pearls. It is strong, resilient, and lustrous. Nacre is secreted by molluscs. The nacre is continuously deposited onto the inner surface of the shell, turning it opalescent. The […]

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  A Maverick is an unorthodox, non- conformist, free- spirit. To my surprise, I found that the word originates from a man called Samuel A. Maverick (1803–70), a Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle. In his time, this defiance from established convention must have been considered not only eccentric but upsetting. And pointless […]

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  Invictus is a Latin word meaning Unconquered (Invictive (adj) undefeatable). The word has remained in current usage because of William Ernest Henley’s poem of the same name.  Since a thing of beauty is a joy forever, here it is for you to experience its magic again: Invictus Out of the night that covers me, […]

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Mind Job

The mind is a rationalizer. Once the heart/ soul takes a decision based on an emotional instinct, impulse or desire, the mind rationalizes the decision you’ve taken, justifying it on rational principles. Sometimes when a decision cannot be so rationalized, the mind manufactures rational arguments and evidence in order to sugar- coat it for the […]

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Monkey See Monkey Do

Human beings learn vital skills by aping their immediate social group. A large part of our reactions and responses falls under the category of learned behavior. We’ve learned to ape facial expressions, tone of voice, the way we do things like holding our spoon, clipping our nails or tying our shoelaces. We’ve also aped some […]

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Your Song

When a woman in a certain African tribe knows she is pregnant, she goes out into the wilderness with a few friends and together the pray and chant and meditate until they hear the song of the unborn child. They recognize that every soul has its own vibration that expresses its unique flavor and purpose. […]

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