Questions can help you change the direction of your thoughts. In a conversation between two people, the person who asks the questions- and is willing to listen- is the person who controls the conversation. Questions are the negotiator’s most effective tool. To ask the right question and sit back to let the other person talk, […]
Phrontistery is defined as a thinking-place; place for study or reflection. A place to think!? Imagine that! A place to think would have the following characteristics for it to fully serve its purpose: It would be a place where no one would disturb or interrupt you. Solitude is the tinder that initiates the fire of […]
Sunday Brunch #7
Now that this week is almost over, I can see the gifts it brought me. This was a week of brown studies and introspection. It led me down paths that made me wonder what I was about. As I witnessed the things that have shaped other people, I wondered at the things that have shaped […]
Find The Silence
You are walking along a shady road on a cool October morning. The road is resplendent with tall trees on both sides. It is one of those days when time is not measured by the clock but by the fragrant coolness that enters lazily through your nostrils and leaves pools of contentment in its wake. […]