

Quiescence is defined as being inactive, dormant or still. Being still isn’t easy. It is something excruciatingly painful for some. Our social conditioning compels us to be up and doing. We feel guilty if we aren’t horrendously busy every minute of the day. Our busyness is our justification for taking up space on earth and […]

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 Phrontistery is defined as a thinking-place; place for study or reflection. A place to think!? Imagine that! A place to think would have the following characteristics for it to fully serve its purpose: It would be a place where no one would disturb or interrupt you. Solitude is the tinder that initiates the fire of […]

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Song Of Luminescence

I am a little uptight. The lady I want to introduce to you today is so precious that I am afraid to choose the words which will form the strokes of my brush as I define her, lest they fall short. Yet, I know they will fall short. What words can contain this woman? Sridevi […]

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