

Do you know the most effective way of interpreting failure Yet? How you deal with life’s defeats will shape your future. It is possible that you have had many references to failure in the past. With each new incident, you have acquired a new leg of reference for your table of failure. As you know, […]

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  Xenos (plural Xenoi) is the Greek word for a stranger or a guest who is a friend. This guest- friend might well be a god in disguise and may possess the power to bless you and your household. Thus the Greeks have a custom of extending hospitality to all strangers because, who knows which […]

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 Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It is going to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am imperfect […]

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A reason (for doing something or not) having a sound basis in logic or fact, is Valid. Such reasons are well, grounded, justifiable, rational and sustainable. They are eternal and objective. Their impact in the long- range is benign and desirable. You may have a hundred reasons to stop you for doing something; you need […]

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There is more than limitlessness to the word Unbounded. There is a freedom associated with the word, boisterous and exhilarating. It doesn’t speak of an absence of shackles; the feeling is not of fences being knocked down. The feeling is of a state where there never were boundaries; where there could never have been limits. […]

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  One of the meanings listed in the dictionary under Tribe is: A group of people sharing an occupation, interest, or habit.                Example: a Tribe of graduate students. A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings […]

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  You are the Sovereign of your realm. You are supreme ruler, the one who has the ultimate power over everything that is within your reign- and none outside it. Your occasional feeling of powerlessness comes from your attempt to exert power over things that are beyond your control. Your reign extends over your Circle […]

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Quiescence is defined as being inactive, dormant or still. Being still isn’t easy. It is something excruciatingly painful for some. Our social conditioning compels us to be up and doing. We feel guilty if we aren’t horrendously busy every minute of the day. Our busyness is our justification for taking up space on earth and […]

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 Phrontistery is defined as a thinking-place; place for study or reflection. A place to think!? Imagine that! A place to think would have the following characteristics for it to fully serve its purpose: It would be a place where no one would disturb or interrupt you. Solitude is the tinder that initiates the fire of […]

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