
Why Do I write?

The first reason I write is for Decanting. I need the solace it provides. I need the space it creates within me… by emptying out the junk that accumulates in the unfrequented corners of my inner space. You collect unusable stuff despite your constant vigilance, since you know yourself to be a veritable magnet for […]

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There is a lot to be said in favor of fences. Fences are put around things one is afraid of losing or damaging. They are a way of protecting things, of containing them so they don’t hurt themselves or be hurt. Fences are a sure way of letting a precious thing know how well it […]

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Dawn: The Charioteer (V)

Continued from Dawn: The Charioteer (IV)  I could see Chetan growing flustered. His nervousness surprised me. It seemed to peel off the veneer of stoic cynicism that passes for worldliness in today’s world. Denuded of that protection, Chetan looked vulnerable as a confused adolescent. He stood staring at her helplessly. His eyes unblinking, his demeanor […]

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