
Another Lost Battle

Robin Williams passed away yesterday. May he rest in peace! When I learned of it this morning, I was shocked- like millions all over the world. I googled frantically for details. What I learned shocked me even more. I found that Mr. Williams’s high energy at times masked a personal struggle with alcohol and drug […]

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Mesmerizing Eyes (II)

Continued From Mesmerizing Eyes (I)   He began noticing other things about her. She had two saris; nondescript and dull hued but always spotlessly clean. Her midnight black hair was tied in a thick plait which hung below her waist. Apart from a pinkly twinkling nose pin, she wore no other jewelry. A thick black […]

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Mesmerizing Eyes (I)

Praful banged the door shut violently. The frame trembled, the glass in the window next to the door shivered with a tinkle of alarm. Unheeding, he ran down the steps and did not stop until he reached the bus stop. He did not want to go anywhere. His was using the bus stop as a […]

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Out of the Blue (Conclusion)

Continued from Out of the Blue (I) Today we began by talking of rain. With monsoon just round the corner, we were both behaving like giddy school kids on the verge of the two month summer holidays. The glee in our voice would have been obvious to anyone. Monsoon is very personal to both of […]

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Out of the Blue (I)

Anup called today after a long gap today. I don’t even remember how long it had been since we talked last. Our hellos barely over, the first thing I said to myself was, “He wants to talk for a long time today.” The sentence came out of the blue. It was triggered by nothing whatsoever, […]

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Enough To BE

The restaurant was dim and cool after the blistering heat outside.  I had been window shopping since morning and now my feet were avenging themselves on my pointless rambling. All I had to show for my aching feet was an ugly, cheap umbrella I didn’t need to buy. It was my misguided attempt at beating […]

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All Sevens

  The 7x7x7x7 Writing Prompt : Grab the 7th book from your bookshelf. Open it up to page 7. Pinpoint the 7th sentence on the page. Begin a poem that begins with that sentence and limit it in length to 7 lines.   The seventh book on my bookshelf happened to be Conversations With God […]

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White Noise

White noise. A silence which is total, yet not empty. The man frowned, concentrating hard, unable to read on. He put the book down in his lap and stared into space, brow furrowed in a triangular shape. What did it mean, ‘not empty’? How could an expression like that apply to a thing like silence? […]

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A Monsoon Afternoon

The woman stood alone watching the waterfall raptly. She wrapper her arms around her body and shivered delicately. The spray from the waterfall wafted over her in a thin mist, enveloping her intimately. She ran her palms over her arms, rubbing away the goose bumps. A fresh waft and another set of goose bumps began […]

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