There was a rope swing on a tree. And there was a child. The swing was a pretty rudimentary affair- just like the simpler times which forms the story’s backdrop. Two parallel loops of ordinary, thick, jute rope tied on a thick limb of the tree. A rough wooden plank jammed between the loops, bridging […]

I gasped in shock as the scream slammed into me. It took me a few moments to realize that the awful guttural sound of pure rage had emerged from my own throat. All of the past year I have tried to run away from that scream. It was the sole witness to that truth you […]
Oppression is intrinsic to mankind; as compelling a force as rebellion. The desire to oppress and the impulse to rebel against it go together, like the two sides of a coin. Whatever its scale- family, community or nation- the core is the same. When an individual or a group wishes to gain advantage at […]
Wishing Tree
Yawn..! Oh dear! What a silly, dull day…! Hey you..! Listen, I feel like talking today. I don’t need you to talk, just listen. If you can, try to look intelligent as if you understand. It isn’t mandatory, however. I wish he’d go, this poor excuse of a human being groveling at my feet. […]
White Noise

White noise. A silence which is total, yet not empty. The man frowned, concentrating hard, unable to read on. He put the book down in his lap and stared into space, brow furrowed in a triangular shape. What did it mean, ‘not empty’? How could an expression like that apply to a thing like silence? […]